Wednesday 25 October 2017


Many people turn to laxatives when they’re looking to lose weight fast.
However, there are serious concerns over the safety and effectiveness of using laxatives for weight loss.
This article explores more. 
What Are Laxatives 
Laxatives  are medications people use to help stimulate bowel movements or loosen up stool to ease its passage.
They are often used to treat constipation, a condition caused by infrequent, painful or difficult bowel movements.
They have also become a popular method for weight loss. Many people believe that using laxatives can help increase the frequency of bowel movements and allow for quick, easy and effortless weight loss.
However, the truth of their safety and effectiveness is another story, as you’ll see later in this article.
There are a few different classes of laxatives that work in different ways. The main types are:
  • Stimulant laxatives: These work by speeding up the movement of the digestive tract.
  • Osmotic-type laxatives: This type causes the colon to retain more water, which increases bowel movement frequency.
  • Bulk-forming laxatives: These move through the intestines undigested, absorbing water and adding bulk to stool.
  • Saline laxatives: With these, water is drawn into the small intestine, which helps promote a bowel movement.
  • Lubricant laxatives: This type of laxative coats the surface of the stool as well as the lining of the intestines to ease bowel movements.
  • Stool softeners: These allow stool to absorb more water, making it softer for easier passage.
Laxatives and Weight Loss
Laxative use has become incredibly common among those looking to shed a few pounds quickly. In fact, some studies estimate that more than 4% of the general population engages in laxative abuse.
It is true that laxatives may help increase weight loss, but the results are only temporary.
Several types of laxatives work by pulling water from your body into the intestines, allowing stool to absorb more water for an easier passage. With this method, the only weight you’ll lose is from the water you excrete through stool.
To date, there have been no studies supporting the idea that laxative use can lead to lasting weight loss.
Instead, it can lead to dangerous side effects like dehydration, electrolyte imbalance and possibly even dependence

–Use of Laxatives Can Lead To Dehydration 
One of the most common side effects of laxative use is dehydration.
This is because many laxatives work by drawing water into the intestines from other tissues, resulting in a loss of water through the stool.
If you're not careful to replenish the water that is lost, it can lead to dehydration.
Common symptoms of dehydration include headaches, reduced urine output, increased thirst, fatigue, dry skin and dizziness.
Dehydration may also be linked to more serious side effects.

–Use of Laxatives Can Cause Electrolyte Imbalance 
Electrolytes are substances dissolved in your bodily fluids that are important for helping your cells and tissues function normally.
Some common electrolytes include chloride, sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphate.
If the balance of these essential electrolytes is thrown off, it can cause dangerous side effects including seizures, confusion and coma.
Laxatives may lead to the loss of important electrolytes. This could create an electrolyte imbalance, one of the most dangerous side effects of laxative abuse.
Common symptoms of electrolyte imbalance can include thirst, headaches, heart palpitations, fatigue, weakness and muscle aches.
Other Possible Side Effects Of Laxatives
In addition to causing dehydration, electrolyte imbalances and possible dependence, laxative use has been associated with a number of other dangerous side effects, including:
  • Rhabdomyolysis: One case study showed that laxative abuse may have induced rhabdomyolysis, causing the rapid deterioration of muscle tissue and the release of a harmful protein into the bloodstream.
  • Gastrointestinal damage: A small study found that some recovered anorexia patients had changes in gastrointestinal function and long-term pancreatic damage as a result of former laxative use.
  • Liver damage: A case study reported that laxative use contributed to liver damage in one patient.
  • Kidney failure: Another case study showed that overusing laxatives appeared to have caused severe kidney failure requiring dialysis, a treatment that helps remove waste and toxins from the blood
Better Ways To Loose Weight  
If you are using unhealthy weight loss methods like laxatives, purging or severe food restriction, stop and seek professional help to prevent long-term consequences to your health.
There are many better, safer and more effective ways to lose weight without putting your health on the line.
Here are some simple, proven ways to shed extra pounds:
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables:They’re low in calories, but rich in fiber. A higher intake of fruits and vegetables has been associated with a lower body weight.
  • Increase your physical activity:Participating in aerobic exercise a few times per week can aid in weight loss and help prevent weight regain.
  • Reduce your portion sizes: Smaller portions mean fewer calories. One study even found that simply using smaller plates caused participants to eat less.
  • Eat a high-protein breakfast: Starting your day with a protein-packed breakfast has been shown to reduce appetite and food intake over the course of the day.
  • Decrease your intake of added sugars: Sugar is high in calories, low in nutrients and leads to weight gain. Research shows that drinking sugar-sweetened beverages may be associated with obesity

Tuesday 17 October 2017


Hunger is your body’s natural cue that it needs more food.
When you’re hungry, your stomach may “growl” and feel empty, or you may get a headache, feel irritable or be unable to concentrate.
Most people can go several hours between meals before feeling hungry again, though this isn’t the case for everyone.
There are several possible explanations for this, including a diet that lacks protein, fat or fiber, as well as excessive stress or dehydration. Some of the reasons includes, 
1. You are Not Eating Enough Protein 
Consuming enough protein is important for appetite control.
Protein has hunger-reducing properties that may help you automatically consume fewer calories during the day. It plays a role in increasing the production of hormones that signal fullness and reducing the levels of hormones that stimulate hunger.
Due to these effects, you may feel hungry frequently if you’re not eating enough protein.
Many different foods are high in protein , so it is not difficult to get enough of it through your diet. Including a source of protein in every meal can help prevent excessive hunger.
Animal products, such as meat, poultry, fish and eggs, contain high amounts of protein.
It is also found in some dairy products, including milk and yogurt, as well as a few plant-based foods like legumes, nuts, seeds and whole grains

2. You are not sleeping Enough 
Getting adequate sleep is extremely important for your health.
Sleep is required for the proper functioning of your brain and immune system, and it is associated with a lower risk of several chronic illnesses, including heart disease and cancer.
Additionally, sleeping enough is a factor in controlling appetite, as it helps regulate ghrelin, the appetite-stimulating hormone. Lack of sleep leads to higher ghrelin levels, which is why you may feel hungrier when you are sleep deprived
In one study, 15 people who were sleep deprived for only one night reported being significantly more hungry and chose 14% larger portion sizes, compared to a group that slept for eight hours.
Getting enough sleep also helps ensure adequate levels of leptin  which is a hormone that promotes feelings of fullness.
To keep your hunger levels under control, it is generally recommended to get at least eight hours of uninterrupted sleep each night.

3. You Are Eating Too Much Refined Carbohydrates 
Refined Carbohydrates have been processed and stripped of their fiber, vitamins and minerals.
One of the most popular sources of refined carbs is white flour, which is found in many grain-based foods like white rice, bread and pasta. Foods such as soda, candy and baked goods, which are made with processed sugars, are also considered to be refined carbs.
Since refined carbs lack filling fiber, your body digests them very quickly. This is a major reason why you may be hungry frequently if you eat a lot of refined carbs, as they do not promote significant feelings of fullness.
Furthermore, eating refined carbs may lead to rapid spikes in your blood sugar. This leads to increased levels of insulin, a hormone responsible for transporting sugar into your cells.
When a lot of insulin is released at once in response to high blood sugar, it works to quickly remove sugar from your blood, which may lead to a sudden drop in blood sugar levels.
Blood sugar fluctuations signal your body that it needs more food, which is another reason why you may feel hungry often if refined carbs are a regular part of your diet.
To reduce your refined carb intake, simply replace them with healthier, whole foods like vegetables, fruit, legumes and whole grains. These foods are still high in carbs, but they are rich in fiber, which is helpful for keeping hunger under control

4. You Are Not Drinking Enough Water 
Proper hydration is incredibly important for your overall health.
Drinking enough water has several health benefits, including promoting brain and heart health and optimizing exercise performance. Additionally, water keeps your skin and digestive system healthy.
Water is also quite filling and has the potential to reduce appetite when consumed before meals.
Due to water’s role in keeping you full, you may find that you feel hungry frequently if you’re not drinking enough of it.
It is also known that feelings of thirst can be mistaken for feelings of hunger. If you’re always hungry, it may be helpful to drink a glass or two of water to find out if you are just thirsty.
To ensure you’re properly hydrated, simply drink water when you feel thirsty. Eating lots of water-rich foods, including fruits and vegetables, will also contribute to your hydration needs.

5. Your Diet Lacks Fibre
If your diet lacks fiber, you may feel hungry frequently.
Consuming lots of high-fibre foods is beneficial for keeping hunger under control. High-fiber foods slow your stomach’s emptying rate and take longer to digest than low-fiber foods.
Additionally, a high fiber intake influences the release of appetite-reducing hormones and the production of short-chain fatty acids, which have been shown to have fullness-promoting effects.
It’s important to note that there are different types of fiber, and some are better than others at keeping you full and preventing hunger. Several studies have found soluble fiber, or fiber that dissolves in water, to be more filling than insoluble fiber.
Many different foods, such as oatmeal, flaxseeds, sweet potatoes, oranges and Brussels sprouts, are excellent sources of soluble fiber.
Not only is a high-fiber diet helpful for reducing hunger, it is also associated with several other health benefits, such as a reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes and obesity.
To ensure you’re getting enough fiber, opt for a diet that is rich in whole, plant-based foods, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes and whole grains

6. You Are Drinking Too Much Alcohol
 is well known for its appetite-stimulating effects 
Studies have shown that alcohol may inhibit hormones that reduce appetite, such as leptin, especially when it is consumed before or with meals. For this reason, you may feel hungry often if you drink too much alcohol.
Not only does alcohol have the ability to make you hungrier, but it may also impair the part of your brain that controls judgment and self-control. This may lead you to eat more, regardless of how hungry you are.
To reduce the hunger-inducing effects of alcohol, it is best to consume it moderately or avoid it completely.

7. You Eat Too Fast. 
The rate at which you eat may play a role in how hungry you are.
Several studies have shown that fast eaters have greater appetites and a tendency to overeat at meals, compared to slow eaters. They are also more likely to be overweight or obese.
In one study in 30 women, fast eaters consumed 10% more calories at a meal and reported significantly less fullness, compared to slow eaters.
Another study compared the effects of eating rates in those with diabetes. Those who ate a meal slowly became full more quickly and reported less hunger 30 minutes after the meal, compared to fast eaters.
These effects are partly due to the lack of chewing and reduced awareness that occurs when you eat too fast, which are both necessary to alleviate feelings of hunger.
Additionally, eating slowly and chewing thoroughly gives your body and brain more time to release anti-hunger hormones and convey fullness signals.
If you are hungry frequently, it may help to slow down when you eat. You can do this by taking a few deep breaths before meals, putting your fork down between bites and increasing the extent to which you chew your food.

Thursday 12 October 2017


Green tea is a popular drink with many health benefits.
In fact, some studies have linked green tea with improved brain function and brain agingIt may also reduce the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer.
However, just like regular tea, green tea contains caffeine. This can be a concern for people who want to be aware of or limit their caffeine intake.

What Is Caffeine And What Does It Do 
Caffeine is a naturally occurring chemical found in the leaves, beans and fruits of more than 60 plants, including the leaves of tea plants.
It’s a central nervous system stimulant that is consumed all over the world to boost alertness and fight fatigue.
It works by blocking the effects of a neurotransmitter called adenosine, which builds up over the course of the day and makes you feel tired.
Drinking caffeine has also been linked with a number of health benefits, such as improved mood and brain function, an increase in metabolism and improved exercise performance.
However, some people may be more sensitive to the effects of caffeine than others.
Additionally, people who consume too much caffeine may experience restlessness, insomnia or an irregular heartbeat.

How Much Caffeine Is In A Cup Of Green Tea 
The average amount of caffeine in an 8-oz (230-ml) serving of green tea is around 35 mg 
However, this can vary. The actual amount can be anywhere between 30 and 50 mg per 8-oz serving.
Since the caffeine in green tea occurs naturally, the amount depends largely on the variety of tea plant, its growing conditions and the way it is processed and brewed.
For example, tea made with older leaves usually has less caffeine than tea made with younger tea leaves.
The amount of caffeine in your drink can also be influenced by the type of green tea you choose and how you prepare it.
For example, bagged teas tend to be more caffeinated than loose leaf teas.
This may be because the tea leaves in tea bags are crushed up, so more caffeine is extracted and infused into the drink.
Additionally, powdered green teas have a higher caffeine content than both bagged and loose green tea.
Nevertheless, portion sizes tend to be small — 1 gram or half a teaspoon per serving — for powdered teas, so the caffeine content of the bagged tea and powdered matcha tea can be similar.
Finally, the longer you brew your tea and the hotter the water, the more caffeine will make its way into your drink

Green Tea Contains Less Caffeine Compared To Other Caffeinated Drinks 
Caffeine is found in a wide range of beverages like black tea, coffee, soft drinks and energy drinks.
Interestingly, green tea also contains the amino acid L-theanine, which has been shown to work synergistically with caffeine. Thus, you get a milder but different kind of buzz than with coffee, despite the lower caffeine content of green tea.
In particular, the combination of L-theanine and caffeine has been shown to help improve both alertness and focus, which may make green tea a better drink than coffee if you’re doing tasks that require a lot of thought 

Is Caffeine In Green Tea Something To Worry About 
Caffeine is a widely used stimulant. When consumed in the recommended amounts, it is considered very safe.
For adults over the age of 19, the safe limit is considered to be around 400 mg per day, or 13 mg/pound (6 mg/kg) of body weight.
However, to prevent the negative effects of caffeine, it’s often recommended that you space out your caffeine, limiting the amount to around 200 mg at a time.
200 mg of caffeine is around four 8-ounce cups of green tea, so one 8-ounce serving of green tea would put you well within those limits.
Overall, green tea is low in caffeine compared to other caffeinated beverages. As long as you are consuming caffeine within these recommended limits, then the caffeine in green tea shouldn’t be anything to worry about.

Wednesday 11 October 2017


If you have arthritis, you know just how devastating this condition can be.
Arthritis is a term for a class of diseases that cause pain, swelling and stiffness in the joints. It can affect people of all ages, genders and ethnic backgrounds.
There are many different types of arthritis. Osteoarthritis is one type, which develops in joints with overuse. Another type is rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disease in which your immune system attacks your joints
Fortunately, there are many foods that can ease inflammation and may help relieve some of the joint pain associated with arthritis.
In fact, one survey found that 24% of those with rheumatoid arthritis reported that their diet had an impact on the severity of their symptoms.
1. Fatty fish
Fatty fish varieties such as salmon, mackerel, sardines and trout are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to have potent anti-inflammatory effects.
Fish is also a good source of vitamin D, which can help prevent deficiency. Multiple studies have found that rheumatoid arthritis may be associated with low levels of vitamin D, which could contribute to symptoms.
The American Heart Association recommends including at least two servings of fatty fish in your diet each week to take advantage of the beneficial anti-inflammatory properties.
2. Garlic
Garlic is jam-packed with health benefits.
Garlic has been shown to have an anti-inflammatory effect that may help decrease symptoms of arthritis.
In fact, some research has shown that garlic may enhance the function of certain immune cells to help strengthen the immune system 
Adding garlic to your diet could benefit both arthritis symptoms and overall health
Besides adding a burst of flavor to teas, soups and sweets, ginger may also help ease the symptoms .
Consuming ginger in fresh, powdered or dried form may reduce inflammation and aid in reducing symptoms of arthritis.
4. Walnuts 
Walnuts are nutrient-dense and loaded with compounds that may help reduce the inflammation associated with joint disease.
Walnuts are especially high in omega-3 fatty acids which have been shown to decrease the symptoms of arthritis.
5. Spinach 
Leafy greens like spinach are full of nutrients, and some of their components may actually be able to help decrease inflammation caused by arthritis.
Several studies have found that a higher intake of fruits and vegetables is linked to lower levels of inflammation.
Spinach, in particular, contains plenty of antioxidants as well as plant compounds that can relieve inflammation and help fight disease.
Spinach is especially high in the antioxidant kaempferol, which has been shown to decrease the effects of the inflammatory agents associated with rheumatoid arthritis.